Kelly, Board Secretary/Treasurer
Stephanie, Board of Director Vice President
Anne, Board of Director President
Kelly Taylor Russell
Kelly Taylor Russell (she/hers) is proud to serve as President of the Board of Directors for Anam Cara Caregiving. As a former caregiver for elders in their later stages of life, she understands the profound need for a death that honors their living. She believes that Anam Cara Caregiving meets that need through the education, individualized caregiving, and emotional support provided by the excellent staff and leadership. Her professional background includes counseling, nonprofit development, criminal justice reform, and restorative justice facilitation and program development. The throughline of this work, along with her spiritual and personal development paths, is a deep and abiding trust in the inherent wisdom in all beings that can be of such benefit to our communities and the world. She enjoys being a parent to Calvin (14) and Isla (10), and a partner to Toby in their sweet, small town of Lyons, Colorado with their dog, Jim. Kelly loves the outdoors, a good nonfiction book that blows her mind, and easy, playful time with friends and family.
Stephanie Addiss
Stephanie Addiss lives in the foothills of Boulder, CO with her partner, Jeff, and her young daughter, Leona, where she enjoys living close to the wildness of nature while being able to partake of the vibrant culture and life in town. As a psychotherapist for over 15 years, she holds a private practice working with mostly young adults and their families. Her training in meditation, mindfulness and a contemplative view of psychotherapy has guided her to being deeply present with transitions that herself and her clients are navigating. During these times of transformation and change that can feel groundless, Stephanie believes that there is the capacity for deepening relationship with oneself and with others.
It is from this perspective that she values the immense support and relief that Anam Cara can provide families with their loved ones in their own transitions and unknowns at the end of life. She is proud to be a board member on Anam Cara, not only due to the mission Anam Cara holds but because of the passion and integrity that she has personally experienced from founder Sarah Wilzbacher. Sarah's heart-led commitment to Anam Cara clients and caregivers extends beyond her role, and this trickles down into all layers of the organization. As a board member, Stephanie is honored to support upholding Anam Cara’s mission by listening, holding a broad and long term perspective for sustainability, providing feedback around the organizational structure and flow, and using her natural skill of having thorough concern for all facets involved in the decision making process.
Anne Magnan
Anne initially came to the Rockies in 2006 to take a NOLS semester. After three months tromping in the wilderness, a chance encounter with an icy sidewalk brought her back to Lander. She presently leads NOLS Custom Education, a team that creates educational experiences for other organizations. Anne and her team works with anyone interested in learning how to function better as a team member – be they NASA astronauts, 9th grade students, service members, Google directors, or MBA students.
In This Human Moment, presenters were introduced with their ‘whole human bio.’ Anne’s working version is: Facilitator. Question asker. Experience creator. Leader. Partner, daughter, sister, aunt, devoted friend. Ocean lover. Kettlebell enthusiast. West Wing and Top Gun super fan. (Very) reluctant cat mom.
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